
Europarådet og guteomskjering

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Europarådet si parlamentarikarforsamling har nett vedteke ein resolusjons om «Children's right to physical integrity».

Resolusjonen byggjer på rapporten «Children's right to physical integrity» av Marlene Rupprecht ifrå Tyskland.  Konkret var ho mess oppteken av fylgjande:

  • «In this respect, I would in particular like to examine the following situations which may have an impact on children's physical integrity: the circumcision of young boys in certain religions, medical interventions in the case of intersexual children, female genital mutilation (in certain cultures), the submission to or coercion of children into piercings, tattoos or plastic surgery, and the non-treatment of children facing certain medical pathologies (in certain religious communities).»

I rapporten avsluttar Rupprecht slik:

  • «for practices which may be considered acceptable under certain circumstances and in certain contexts, such as the male circumcision of young boys or sex-determining operations of young children in some cases, clearly define, also by legislation, the medical and other conditions and proceedings under which relevant operations must be undertaken, including in the religious context, and to implement procedures and structures which allow all families to access such operations in a legal manner;»

Det er verd å merkja seg at Rupprecht her fell ned på at guteomskjering kan vera godtakeleg på visse vilkor og at ho set det i same bås som kjønnsoperering av born og at familiane skal ha tilgang til dette på lovleg/godkjend måte.

Men Rupprecht er likevel oppteken av at borna bør vera med å avgjera:

  • «raise awareness, in particular, about the need to ensure the participation of children in decisions concerning their physical integrity wherever appropriate and possible, and to adopt specific legal provisions to ensure that certain operations will not be carried out before a child is old enough to be consulted.»

Rapporten hennar viser at Rupprecht her er i opposisjon til parlamentet i Tyskland:

  • «According to the latest revision of the German Civil Law as amended on 20 December 2012, male circumcision of infants is now explicitly allowed if it does not endanger the child's well-being and if undertaken "according to the rules of medical art". Within the first six months after the birth of a child, circumcisions may also be performed by qualified religious representatives who are not medical doctors.27An alternative proposal moved by myself and a group of parliamentarians, that prior to the operation the child should have reached the age of 14, given his consent, and that the circumcision should always be carried out by a paediatric surgeon or urologist, was unfortunately not endorsed by a majority within the German Bundestag.»

Rapporten har alt motteke reaksjonar frå Israels utanriksdepartement, som


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