
The Great Trouble - Covenant and Controvercy

A city known by many names, Jerusalem is a central character in the biblical narrative and redemptive history, yet she is burdened by competing ambitions. From the tragedy of Masada in the first Century to the triumph of the Bulgarian rescue of her 50.000 Jewish Citizens in the Second World War, Discover how the testimony of history serves as a faithful guide into the great and terrible days ahead.

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"The City of the Great King" is the second installment in this series, examining the age-old controversy over this city so inextricably knit to the Everlasting Covernant. Is grace enough to save these ancient hills so married by sin, blasphemy, war and covenantal infidelity?

"Covenant and Controversy" Part II

"The Great Trouble" highlighting the most develasting and hopeful moments in the history and the future of the Jewish people.

"Covenant and Controversy" Part III

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