
Krever svar fra redaktører og journalister

En rekke profilerte personer har nylig sendt et brev til norske redaktører der de krever at de filtrerer ut «feilaktig» og «forvrengt» kritikk av islam fra spaltene.

Dette er en kommentar. Den gir uttrykk for skribentens analyser og meninger.

Med første øyekast ser dette fromme ønsket tilforlatelig ut, men det er vel nok et forsøk på å kneble og innskrenke retten til å ytre seg.

Fra «islamofobi» til monopolisering av kritikk

Målet ser ut til å være at kritikk av islam bare skal kunne aksepteres viss den kommer fra en elite med spesielle kunnskaper og ferdigheter. Krav til «forskerkompetanse» og "spesielle innsikter" (?) ser ut til å ha erstattet bruken av diagnosen «islamofobi», en diagnose som er raust brukt ikke minst her på Verdidetbatt.

Begge strategier er undertrykkende hersketeknikker til fordel for noen.

Hassam Tibi om "islamofobi"

en syriske muslimen og islamforskeren Hassam Tibi skriver mye om «islamofobi» i boka “Political Islam, World Politics and Europe”. Han advarer folk mot å bøye nakken for usaklige beskyldninger om «islamofobi».

Å tagge folk med denne diagnosen er som oftest et uhederlig forsøk på å kneble ytringsfriheten.

Islamofob-stempelet brukt som “propaganda against scholars engaged in uncovering political Islam.”

“As a Muslim migrant living in Europe, I am aware of an existing Islamophobia and agree that there is a need to combat it, but I cannot overlook the fact that the Islamists — in the ongoing war of ideas — are exploiting current suspicions of Islamophobia attached to constructed images of Islam for camouflaging their own activities. Thus, the accusation of a demonization of Islam is used as propaganda against scholars engaged in uncovering political Islam. During the conflict over the Danish Mohammed cartoons, not only did it become obvious that there is a lack of understanding of other cultures, but it was also clear that the Islamists in action were pursuing their agenda to reduce freedom of expression. The protest movement was orchestrated, not spontaneous.”

Islamofob-stempelet “cultivated on purpose by Islamists to create taboos that prohibit free speech”

“However, there exists a constructed Islamophobia, often cultivated on purpose by Islamists to create taboos that prohibit free speech about them and their activities. In this context I refer to the authority of the late Myron Weiner and his book The Global Migration Crisis to justify looking at migration in security terms. To undermine such a debate, Islamic fundamentalists have been most successful in Europe's civil society in establishing an equation of the critique of jihadist Islamism with an ugly Islamophobia in the pursuit of censorship.”

Islamofob-stempelet som “instrument for deterring any call for change”.

“Some leaders of the Islamic diaspora are not favorable to this embracing and make the accusation of Islamophobia every time the shari'a is rejected. This accusation becomes an instrument for deterring any call for change and for incriminating any rational criticism. A call for an embracing of cultural modernity as a platform of v between civilizations becomes in this perception an expression of Islamophobia.”

“(…) ideology of Islamism, addressed in the context of Islamic immigration to Europe, indicates cultural differences that cannot be accommodated within the traditional wisdoms of multi-culturalism. In a conflict between European cultural relativism and Islamist neo-absolutism, it becomes clear that the Islamists are the winners of the ongoing war of ideas. It is legitimate to defend an open society against the enemy within, and to engage in this is not Islamophobia. I am both dismayed and amazed when Western atheists accuse me, a faithful Muslim, of this filth when I engage in critical thoughts about the issue and my own religion.”

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